Mnogi nas prijatelji i poznanici pitaju kako Alexu mogu pomoći. Trenutno Alex pribavlja sredstva za nabavku adekvatnih invalidskih kolica te za dodatni rad sa fizioterapeutima. Planira ostati u rehabilitacijskom centru što je duže moguće jer samo ustrajnim vježbanjem može pokušati povratiti funkciju udova i unaprijediti kvalitetu života. Osiguranje nažalost ne pokriva sve troškove ili ih ne pokriva u punom iznosu.
Many of our dear friends asked me how they can help. In this moment Alex is colecting funds for adequate wheelchair and for additional rehabilitation treatment with therapists. Alex plans to stay in the rehabilitation center as long as possible because he is aware that only hard and persistent exercise may help him to regain function of his legs and improve the quality of life. Unfortunately, insurance doesn't cover all expences or doesn't cover full amount.